Sunday, November 3, 2013

New plants this year

So I seem to be awful at keeping this updated, it's November and my last post was July! Just to catch everyone up, here are some photos of new plants we put in this year:

This is the arrowwood bush that we planted in the back yard. It's still only a twig, but hopefully it'll grow more next year. 

We planted the bird circle with a tulip tree and iris, the tree is already over 4 feet tall, and the iris are starting to spread out. 

We got this butterfly bush from Nanie on our visit to NC. It's doing great next to the patio, and already attracting butterflies!

We bought this Carolina Jasmine to grow up the arbor next to the patio.

This is a Gray Dogwood tree we planted this spring.

Some new mints next to the porch, Chocolate, Peppermint, and Lemon. 

The Rose of Sharon bushes around the bird circle. 

A Trumpet vine we planted to grow up the door out front. 

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